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Design and Technology

The Design and Technology curriculum is creative, coherent and progressive. We aim to deepen children’s knowledge and understanding of key areas that are linked with both the National Curriculum and relevant to our children’s lives. We aim to inspire the designers of the future!

At the Milford Academy, during Design and Technology, each phase develops skills in research, planning, making, technical knowledge and evaluation through a project.  Throughout school, skills progress and build and projects link to our wider curriculum, age and stage.  We are developing awareness of the purpose and users of our products to generate design criteria. In addition to this, each phase develops knowledge of where food comes from, learns specific cooking techniques and develops an awareness of healthy eating.

Milford Academy is also participating in a Healthy Lifestyles project looking at the impact of Cooking and Nutrition lessons with Suzanne Gomersall Senior Lecturer at N.T.U.


Pupils at Milford begin to develop key design skills as part of their early experience in school. They  practice and develop skills, such as, cutting, joining, fastening, selecting materials, testing properties and exploring stable structures. At the Milford Academy we aim to develop skills alongside creativity. Pupils explore, make choices and create structures and simple products based on their own ideas and imagination.