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The Computing Curriculum at Milford

Computing plays a vital role in our lives, particularly in current times where technologies are constantly changing and evolving. A sound knowledge and understanding of Computing prepares pupils to be active participants in a world where work, and our daily lives, are increasingly transformed by access to varied and developing technology. It is vital all children have access to an education in which such technologies are available and skills taught and practised to a high standard in a variety of ways.

Our Computing Curriculum reflects the developments that have taken place over recent years; shifting focus from children learning how to use computers, to becoming competent and confident analytical thinkers, computer programmers and understanding how technology works.  Year-on-year children will learn new skills and develop upon existing ones. They will use a variety of programmes, apps, and hardware to learn how to write algorithms for programmes, design and develop their own games, develop their word processing skills, present information in a variety of ways and create animations and 3D sketches.

At Milford the safety and wellbeing of our children is paramount. Children will complete a detailed programme of study on e-safety at the start of each year and the principles of this will be revisited each term.

We aim for our curriculum to:

  • Provide a whole school approach to Computing, ensuring continuity and progression
  • Provide children with opportunities to develop their computing capabilities in all areas specified by the National Curriculum Computing Programme of Study
  • Provide challenge and excitement for our pupils, both in Computing and through the use of technology across the curriculum
  • Inspire children to be creative and innovative with new and emerging technologies.

We aim for our children to:

  • Become autonomous, independent users of computing technologies
  • Be confident users of new technologies and be able to experiment with them in different ways to communicate learning
  • Be able to use logical thinking and reasoning to solve problems
  • Gain and apply new skills and knowledge in the areas set out in the curriculum
  • Understand how their Computing learning in school impacts on their future lives