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Foundation 2

Hello and Welcome to F2/ Reception

We have 2 classes making up our Foundation 2 Unit and we work very closely together.

We are known as the Whales Class Miss Wilcox  and the Penguins Class Mrs Litchfield

Mrs Lamb (formerly Miss Madden) and Mrs Barton are our full time Teaching Assistants, supported also by Miss Nyanhi.

Here is some key information about Reception:

  • Our PE day is every Friday. Please ensure jewellery is removed for this session. PE kits are not needed until the spring term. 
  • Children will require a bag large enough for an A4 book wallet (ideally a flat book bag) that can fit inside their tray. They will need to bring this to school everyday. 
  • In Reception, we give the children a reading diary and a communication wallet. This is where we will put any physical letters that need to be sent home - please ensure this is in your child's bag every day. 
  • Library books are changed every Friday. There is an expectation that children share a story at least 4 times a week and this should be recorded in their reading diary. We love to see what the children enjoy reading with you at home!
  • Please send your child with a water bottle on a Monday. These can stay in school all week and will be returned home on a Friday. Bottles will be washed and refilled daily.