Free School Meals
Do you know that at the Milford Academy we provide free school trips and Outdoor Education Visits, for all children who are on our Free School Meal register? We are able to offer this money saving service as some of the Government Funding given to schools is based on the amount of pupils entitled to Free School Meals.
I believe that we have a number of families who may be entitled to Free School Meals but do not wish to claim their entitlement as their child/children prefer to bring a packed lunch to school. Of course your child may still do this but the possibility of Free School Trips and Visits would give you a massive saving during the school year.
You may be eligible for Free School Meals if you are able to meet the following criteria:
- You and your partner must be in receipt of one of the following benefits:
- Income Support
- Income Based Job Seekers Allowance (ISA-IB)
- Guarantee Pension Credit
- Employment and Support Allowance (ESA Income Related)
- Child Tax Credit - but not working Tax Credit - and your income for Tax Credit purposes must be less than £16, 190 (details are shown on you Tax Credit award notice.
- Support under Part V1 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
If any of the above applies to you, please complete the attached form or collect a form (and return to) the school office.
The forms cannot be backdated so I would strongly urge you to take the time to complete the form if you think it could apply to you. For a little effort you could save yourself and your family a great deal of money.I can assure you that pupils who receive free school meals are not singled out in any way.If you wish to discuss this matter further in complete confidentiality please feel free to talk to Mrs Flynn, who will be happy to support you in any way.